Immaterial Possession first conjoined in a secret tunnel under the town of Athens, GA, USA. Madeline Polites made her way there, riding on the operatic waves of an exploding cauldron in the middle of the Aegean Sea. Along the way she was taken in by a colony of Sirens, in which she is forever dedicated to.. in addition to voice, she was given special permission to shred the strings of her guitar into thin strands of shining hair (so long as she uses her very own finger nails). These strands are fine enough to travel across the skies via the wind, albeit sometimes dangerously, causing fires..

Cooper Holmes, bassist + vocalist, had been living in the tower of an old decaying mansion, where he worked all day restoring it’s bones. Eventually, it hit him that deep, driving, sexy base frequencies were the most efficient way of moving matter, and thus made his way to the tunnels to practice more of this lost ancient craft.. and found Madeline down there doing the very same thing.

Somewhere down the halls, they heard the songs of a dancing hollowed out piece of tree, swirling around in familiar yet expanding geometric patterns.. it turned out to be Kiran Fernandes downloading a subterranean folk symphony from the guidance of inscriptions from past tunnel dwellers. Instruments began appearing like magic and cycled through his hands like a chef intuitively cooking up an ancestral meal of gourmet genetic codes. He had mapped out a rout to Cappadocia and the three began digging..

A fourth being, of revolving identities-but who often calls themselves ‘the drummer’- travels down to steady the earthen foundation through use of percussive alignment. This mysterious entity is as playfully morphing as a Gargoylian village on the face of a church in Prague.

From above, faint echoes enter the tunnels, asking, ‘What’s that strange but familiar psychedelic, folk, pop, post-punk, rock-and-roll stuff I’m hearing ooze out of the ground…?’ Below, Immaterial Possession laughs as they avert the resolution by changing the channel.